BASICS Devon is pleased to announce that students at the University of Plymouth are
supporting them as one of their chosen charities for the coming year.
The School of Health Professions Paramedic Science department has had a student society called Para Soc (Paramedic Society). For the past 6 years the society has provided a chance for students to do things which they may not be able to do within university module time.
The society provides valuable opportunities for students to not only grow in their own confidence clinically through simulation, but also learn more about specific areas of medicine not traditionally taught at university.
Mark Tompkins, President of the Paramedic Society explains, ‘This year is the first year that
the Paramedic Society will be run without the influence of Covid 19, which has completely changed the way people live and how medicine is done. As a committee we are so fortunate to be in a position to be given this opportunity. Our goal for the year is to grow as a society to give students the biggest opportunity to learn and develop before they go out across the world to practice autonomously. We currently have 86 members who we want to give the best opportunity possible to aid their development. ‘
Each year the society organises events to raise vital funds for different charities and this year they have chosen Mind, as their national charity and BASICS Devon as their local charity.
Mark continues, ‘In a recent study undertaken by the Journal of Paramedic practice, over 50% of
paramedics in the UK were seen to be struggling with mental health and the effects of burn out. As students this is a scary prospect. A charity who support’s emergency personnel with their mental health is MIND. Our second charity is BASICS Devon. BASICS Devon is a team of specialist
volunteer immediate care medics that respond across the whole of Devon that provide support to the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. The doctors volunteer in their spare time to provide enhanced pre hospital care to those patients who need it the most. In 2022
they attended 419 incidents which equated to 441.5hrs in volunteer’s time.’
‘On the 21st September the University of Plymouth Paramedic Society welcomed Amie Bull
Fundraising Manager of BASICS Devon down to visit the Paramedic Society stall. We were so
fortunate that Amie could take some time to come down to see us and see more about what we do as a society.’
Amie Bull, Fundraising Manager of BASICS Devon says, ‘We are thrilled to be chosen as one
of the charities for the Paramedic Society. It was a pleasure to meet some of the members and
hear about their plans for the coming year. Society President Mark Tompkins, is clearly very
passionate to broaden the learning and experiences for his fellow students and at BASICS Devon
we too are dedicated to not only responding to emergencies, but also to share our skills and
knowledge in pre hospital care, especially to medical students and the wider community to help
develop them for the future and help treat the sick and injured.’

Mark concludes, ‘As a society we very much look forward to raising lots of money for both our chosen charities and try to make a huge impact in the mental health of our emergency services personnel lives and supporting the sickest of patients’ pre-hospitality.’
Since January BASICS Devon doctors have attended 377 callouts, 118 of which were at night, and they arrived first on the scene at 30% of them.
With help such as this BASICS Devon will be able to continue their mission to provide specialist
prehospital medical care, especially reaching those that are vulnerable and isolated and
supporting the local ambulance service when they need them most, in one of the most rural
counties in the country, to support the doctors or get involved visit www.basics-devon.org.uk. To
learn more about the Paramedic Society please visit www.upsu.com/societies/parasoc/ or
visit Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
Additional photos available
About BASICS Devon
• BASICS Devon is a network of 14 emergency volunteer doctors providing immediate
access to specialist medical care at the scene of an accident or illness. Making
themselves available around the clock throughout the year, responding to incidents at
the request of the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. The
charity relies solely on donations.
• BASICS Devon doctors aim to provide a fast response to incidents in rural areas and
use their extensive skills to support patient care.
• For further information, to donate or get involved please visit: www.basics-devon.org.uk
For further information please contact Amie Bull, Fundraising Manager amie.bull@basics-
devon.org.uk T: 01752 936299 or visit: www.basics-devon.org.uk